Already seated at one of my favorite Italian restaurants, I was ready to eat lunch. It was a hot day and I had put in quite a few miles on the road. I was even thirstier than I was hungry. The server was friendly, attentive and prompt. Every time my drink got down to the…
Author: Roger Carr
Rescuing Homeless And At Risk Youth To Make A Difference
Russell rescues youth. Russell Hartsaw has a burning passion for making a difference in the lives of homeless youth, at risk youth and their families. He experienced firsthand what it means to be homeless and abused. He also knows the potential dangers that lie ahead for kids who are homeless and at risk. But what…
Who Else Wants To Surf The Web And Help Charities?
There is an easy way for you to support worthwhile charities. It doesn’t require any additional time or money from you. All you need to do is use different search engines than you are currently using. You won’t even be sacrificing the quality of your search results because these search engines still produce the results…
Giving Thanks, Love and Appreciation Is Powerful
Thanks, love and appreciation are powerful words when expressed from the heart. How many times have you used these words today? I recently received two thank you notes in the mail on the same day. Both of them were thanking me for the volunteer work I have been doing with the Arthritis Foundation. One of…
50 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend
by Lisa Copen Little ways of reaching out make all of the difference to someone who is hurting, especially when the illness is chronic. It’s rarely the "size" of the task, but the simple fact that you made an effort and remembered him or her in your thoughts. Lois Wyse once said, ‘A good friend…
BlogCatalog Community Organ Donation Awareness Campaign
What image comes to mind when you think of a hero? Does the picture of a firefighter, law enforcement officer or doctor who is saving a life come to mind? Maybe your image is of a person at the scene of a fire or accident who risks his or her life in a dramatic way…
Corey and the Do-Gooders Celebrate 75th Show
Corey Pudhorodsky and some do-gooders (everyday philanthropists) celebrated the 75th 501c3Cast show and two years of inspiring and informing the nonprofit community. The 501c3Cast is a biweekly podcast that provides the best in websites, commentary, interviews and quotes related to giving back and making a difference. Corey is the host and producer of the 501c3Cast….
Make Your Vacation Memorable This Year
Voluntourism is a great way to create a memorable vacation and make a difference in people’s lives at the same time. Voluntourism is a term describing the combination of travel and volunteer service. Guest blogger Scott Couchenour and his family recently embarked on a mission trip to Jamaica. They did construction work and led Bible…
2007 Walkathon for Hope Video
In a previous post I discussed my experiences while participating in the 2007 Walkathon for Hope. This special event was organized by the Students Helping Honduras organization. You can now get a glimpse of what occurred at the event. Enjoy this new video that shows some of the ways the Students Helping Honduras organization was…
Inspiration For Baby Boomers Changing The World
Are you a baby boomer who wants to help make the world a better place? Inspiring baby boomers is what Inspiring Opportunities is all about. Inspiring Opportunities is a weekly email from the Coming of Age organization for people 50+ who are making a difference in the world, in their communities and in their lives….