When do you get the most benefit from receiving a card from someone? Is it when you receive one for a major celebration or holiday? Or is it when you receive one that is totally unexpected? For me, it’s when I receive one that is unexpected. Be creative in finding reasons to do something for…
Discover How Baby Boomers Can Make an Impact
Baby boomers are an interesting group. You are a baby boomer if you were born between the years of 1946 and 1964. What is one of the things that makes this group so interesting? Currently, the first baby boomers are at the traditional age of retirement. The later baby boomers, which I am a part…
Give Back to Kids Going Back to School
Vacations, late nights, sleeping in, and hours of playing video games each day are about to end for many children. These events will soon be replaced with meeting new and old friends, a daily schedule, sports and homework. It happens every year for many kids when school starts. Some children look forward to the new…
Givng Blood with a Purpose
Giving blood is one of the easiest things a person can do to save lives. This is something I am passionate about. I have promoted the benefits of giving blood in my ezine and on the Everyday Giving website. I also donate blood. I know some people have been encouraged to give through my efforts….
Charity Donations Have Entered the Housing Market
When you are searching for a new home, what are some of the things you consider in deciding which house to buy? location size of house and property condition appeal of house design A couple in Lansing, Michigan hopes that another factor will be added to the list. They are promising to donate a portion…
The NonProfit Times Announces Power and Influence Top 50 for 2006
The NonProfit Times has announced their Power and Influence Top 50 for 2006. I recommend you read their article at http://www.nptimes.com/Aug06/sr1.html to discover some of the most influencial people (and otheir respective organizations) in the nonprofit sector. If you are interested in the changes to this Top 50 list from previous years, go to http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/news/story.jhtml?id=153100009…
Lessons in Leadership from Great Military Leaders
We can learn much from the great leaders of our past and present. Military leaders are no exception. Everyday Giving Bookstore is making available a package of 5 great leadership books by military leaders for $19.95 (list price $61.80). This is our August Special and it will only be available for a limited time. Go…
Fundraising Is Alive in the Virtual World
I am not totally clueless about the virtual worlds that real people from around the world participate in. My son has fun playing in these worlds. Runescape is one that comes to mind that he and several of his friends spend time in. However, I am amazed and excited that fundraising for charities has become…
Did You Miss Your Lawn and Landscaping Service on Monday?
Hundreds of lawn care and landscape professionals, industry suppliers and manufacturers swarmed the Arlington National Cemetery and the Historic Congressional Cemetery for a day. It was not an organized protest in Washington DC. They donated their time to improve the grounds of these National landmarks! Check out the details regarding this act of giving at…
Want to Meet James Blunt in Person?
James Blunt is raising funds for charity by auctioning himself off on his North American tour. Read about it at http://breakingnews.iol.ie/entertainment/story.asp?j=190112386&p=y9xyy3x9z. Auctioning off personal dates or meetings has been a way some celebrities have been raising a significant amount of money for worthwhile causes. Hmm…I wonder how much I could raise for a lunch meeting?…