Do you feel like the lack of time is keeping you from giving to others? I felt that way until I determined something that allowed me to better prioritize and use my time. Read the article "How to Make More Time for Giving" at for a glimpse into what I learned.
I will be attending the Arthritis Foundation’s 2005 Development Conference next week in Dallas. It is called "Fundraising: Kick It Up A Notch." The agenda looks great and I plan to share my experience and some of what I learn in the next ezine.
The conference was originally scheduled to take place in New Orleans. We have all seen the tragedy that area is continuing to go through due to Hurricane Katrina. My heart goes out to those that where severely impacted (and I know yours does as well). The American Red Cross was my first stop on the Internet to find out what I could do. As I am writing this, they are operating more than 250 shelters, providing comfort for nearly 42,000 people that have been evacuated. The best way to help is to make a financial donation at their website. I would encourage you to also support organized efforts your local churches and companies have established.