Would you like to have a blessing package sent to someone who needs encouragement? You can even have one sent to yourself. I discovered a way you can make that happen. There is a generous and talented lady doing this with no strings attached. I requested one for myself before I would recommend it to you. I received a wonderful package containing several creative items to use and give away to others. All she asks is that you pay it forward. The package can be delivered digitally through email or as a physical package through snail mail. Email your request to blessingconspiracy@hotmail.com or go to http://blessingconspiracy.blogspot.com to visit her blog called "A Conspiracy of Blessings" and learn more about what she is doing. Please let her know you learned about this from Everyday Giving. I learned about her when she mentioned in a blog post she discovered through Everyday Giving that she was a philanthropist. She is!