Interviews can be a great way to let others know about a cause you believe in. They can also be a great way to announce things like charitable events. Most people think they have to talk to a reporter who is taking notes for a newspaper article or stand in front of a camera for a television news segment. This can create an uncomfortable situation knowing anything you say or do at that moment can find its way on the news.
Today, blogs have gained a significant amount of influence and respect in the news community. Blogs have become a part of the new media. In the past, you may have been nervous about standing in front of a camera or reporter while answering questions on the spot. Interviewing with a blogger is much different. First, questions are developed and sent to you in advance. Then, you type your response to each of those questions and send them back to the blogger when you’re comfortable with your answers. You have the ability to review and edit your answers before the interviewer sees and publishes them.
I’ve recently discovered a new, free web service that makes this process easy. You can check it out at Not only is it easy, but it also makes the interview available to other bloggers and website publishers. This means each interview that you do could be picked up and published multiple times on the Internet.
To give you an example of what an interview looks like, I’ve included my first interview on at the end of this post. If you want to send me some questions for an interview, go to and click on the "Interview Me" button.
If being a part of an interview made you nervous in the past, consider using this new interview service to make a difference.
Peopleized by: Euripidis – Saturday, 25 August 2007
rogercarr: My purpose in life is to help people help others. I needed a great way to let people know how easy it is to make a difference. Blogging is one of the ways I use to communicate the message and the response has been terrific.
Euripidis: The top 3 blogs you read?
rogercarr: I regularly follow several blogs. My top three are:
* Serving Strong by Scott Couchenour at Scott’s blog posts provide great insight and thought provoking questions for Christian leaders.
* World Wanting Peace by David Perdew at David is a very giving, honest and passionate person about life (and Internet marketing).
* Beth’s Blog by Beth Kanter at Beth provides the best information regarding technology for nonprofits.
Euripidis: Where do you get your inspiration from to write?
rogercarr: I get my inspiration in many ways. I’m writing about a subject that God has given me a passion for so much of my inspiration comes from within. I also read or listen to many good books, blogs and podcasts. Finally, inspiration comes from watching generous people take action to unselfishly help others.
Euripidis: Choose one word to describe your blog?
rogercarr: Giving
rogercarr’s Page | Authors Page: Euripidis |
Good post!
I’ll try to work something out like this.